Dr. Saket Goel is a Senior Surgeon practicing in New Delhi since 2000. 3 years Senior Residency at Maulana Azad Medical College and associated Lok Nayak Hospital & Superspeciality GB Pant Hospital, New Delhi. He worked in premium hospitals of South Delhi including Max Superspeciality Hospital, Moolchand, and PSRI Hospital, New Delhi.In 2004, he joined Indraprastha Apollo Hospital as a consultant in the Department of Surgery (General, Gastrointestinal, Minimal Access, Bariatric & Robotic ). In 2005, he went to the University of Heidelberg, Germany to do 1-month clinical observership under Dr. Buchler & Dr. Freiss who are world renowned for Pancreatic Surgery and are European Referral Centre for Pancreatic Cancer.